Tuesday 4 February 2014

Відчути життя сповна. Наповнити його змістом, любов'ю, щастям та лідерством. Дарувати любов - щодня, щохвилини, щоб там не було. Йти впевнено, підніматись і вірити та довіритись.


Життя іде, і все без коректур.
І час летить, не стишує галопу.Давно нема маркізи Помпадур,
і ми живем уже після потопу.
Не знаю я, що буде після нас,
в які природа убереться шати.
Єдиний, хто не втомлюється, –

А ми живі, нам треба

Зробити щось, лишити по собі,

а ми, нічого, – пройдемо, як
тіні, щоб тільки неба очі голубі
цю землю завжди бачили в
Щоб ці ліси не вимерли, як тур,

щоб ці слова не вичахли, як
Життя іде і все без коректур,

і як напишеш, так уже і буде.
Але не бійся прикрого рядка.

Прозрінь не бійся, бо вони як
Не бійся правди, хоч яка гірка,
не бійся смутків, хоч вони як
Людині бійся душу ошукать,
бо в цьому схибиш – то уже

Sunday 1 December 2013

If you fail to to acquire an identity, others will invariably apply an identity on you. You either label yourself - define your own identity - or the state will label you. 

Tear off the label. Choose not to be  victim. Turn your back on the government, its institutions, its merchandise, and its laws. 

Hard to be away from my nation in this moment, impossible to accept the fact that at this moment i'm an immigrant... 
Those who love never hide, never run away, never accept the status quo...!!! 

P.S. I Love You, Ukraine! With all my prayers I ask God to protect, unite and give strength to all of us.  

Saturday 26 October 2013

Leadership lessons

The attitude of leadership can be developed & applied even if you don't have an official leadership position. It's an attitude, a state of mind, it's a behaviour, it's a promise to do great things and take a full ownership towards everything you do.

This is leadership which I define.


Besides I believe leader is the one who:

1) Has a strong self-understanding and stays authentic

2) Is able to surround herself/himself with talented and smarter people than s/he and give them trust and freedom to fail (R.Branson's approach)

3) Is in a state of flow 

Saturday 19 October 2013

When education can be more about ''mandatory'' subjects

I feel so proud of what we are doing and the way we want to influence the world.

Mindvalley has just launched the educational portal with on-line courses on meditation, productivity, happiness, yoga and other subjects which we haven't been taught at school.

->->-> Check how Mindvalley is transforming education

And this is what people truly want from the education:

Monday 16 September 2013

Confessions of a Lost and Tormented Soul

12 September 2013
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I took a taxi back home today and like I always do, I asked the person who was driving the taxi the following:
“How are you?
Busy, busy?”
And I got no reply…. Complete silence.
I looked in the mirror and I saw the driver looked a bit surprised, like he wasn’t sure if I was talking to him.
It happens a lot of times when I take a taxi and I assume it’s because they don’t expect you to care about them and how their day is going.
I continued to look in the mirror in the hope that he will look as well and realize I was talking to him and he did.
Because he saw me smiling and realized I was talking to him, he smiled back and replied:
“Now that I look at you I am very fine.
Thank you! 
and continued to smile.
“My day no busy. Not enough money. It’s hard… I am tired of living this life.”
He paused for a few seconds and then he asked:
“Where are you from?”
“Do you have any children you have to take care of or are you alone?
“Romania” I replied.
“I am from Romania and yes, I do have one kid to take care of.
Its my inner child. Very noisy and demanding but a good kid.”
We both started laughing.
“You very funny. Very good entertainer.
You got me confused, you know?
But it’s good to be funny. It keeps you young.
And are you working here or are you a student?” 
to which I replied:
“No, no studying. I worked here but not anymore.
I will now continue to work on different projects but on my own.
I will follow my heart and see where it takes me.
Me and my heart are very good friends and I trust it will take good care of me..”
“I understand…” he said with a soft voice.
His tone of voice started to change.
“ I don’t hear my heart…
I work hard but not enough money.
My day no busy. Not enough money. It’s hard…
I am tired of living this life.” 
He paused…
“Maybe you should ask your God to help you.” I told him.
“You can tell your God that you are ready to receive more money and that He should help you.”
to which he replied:
“I talked to my God, asked him for money but I don’t think He’s there. 
I never got an answer from him…”
“But what would you like to do?
“I mean, if you could do anything what would you do?” I asked.
To which he replied:
“I would help people. I would go to orphans and I would help them.
And on their birthday… You know what I would do for their birthday?
I would ask them what they want to receive as a gift and I would buy it for them.
This would make me happy.
I would help people and give them money and I would also buy you a present for your birthday.”
We both started laughing and then he continued:
“But I don’t have money. 
My God won’t help me and life is hard for me.
I wish I was a ghost you know?”
His voice started changing even more and I could feel he was getting very emotional.
I looked in the mirror and I saw tears coming down his face…
“I just want to be a ghost.
I could scare people and laugh. That would make me happy…
I just want to be a ghost.
What is this?!” and started pointing at his body.
“What is this?!
I don’t want to have this.
I don’t need this body, this life…
I work so hard, from 6 am to 8 pm, and still not enough money.
I could jump off a tall building but I won’t do it…
There are so many building here” and he started looking out the window…
“I could jump but I won’t.
I won’t do it.”
After that he was silent. We both were.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
I had to take a few deep breaths before I could open my mouth again. I knew I should’t be silent and that I should say something, and I did:
“You know, maybe you should ask your God a different question.
Instead of asking him for money maybe you should ask him to help you find your gift.
I believe we all come to this world because we choose to.
Your soul chose to come to this planet and create something unique and beautiful.
If you can find your gift you will be happy and you will make good money.
You might think it’s money that you want but I don’t think it’s money.
I think you want to be happy, to feel free. To help and to bring meaning into your life and of those around you.
You said you want to help orphans, to help people and make them happy.
If you find and work with your gift, you will  be able to help not only them but also yourself. 
Money will come if you do what you love but its not about the money.
It’s about discovering your life purpose, your gift and then sharing that gift with the world.
That’s where real happiness comes from…
I love to write and I know writing is my gift.
When I write, I go to this magical place and I become so blissful. In those moments I realize why I am here on this planet and why writing feels so good… It’s because writing is part of my life purpose. It helps me and it helps many of the people who read what I write.
Writing comes from the heart and even though I am not doing it for the money, I know that money will come…
Talk to your soul. Ask your soul to help you remember what your gift is.
Your soul chose to come here. You chose to be here.
Just talk to your soul and trust that by doing so things will begin to change.”
Because I was so engaged in what I was telling him, I didn’t even realize we arrived at my destination.
He turned around, and with a big smile on his face said to me:
“We have arrived my friend…
Thank you…
You are a good person.
Thank you for being in my taxi.
Have a good day, ok?”
His energy was different and I was so happy to see him smile again. 
“Listen, you talk to your soul ok?” I told him again.
Promise me that you will talk to your soul and next time we will meet, we will get the same taxi but you will no longer be the driver, ok?”
He looked at me, shook his head, smiled some more, took his money and drove away… 
“Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise.” ~ Robert Martin

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Залишатись собою

...у будь-якій ситуації, країні, з будь-якою людиною, командою... Бути собою з усім світом.

Так важливо зберегти свої цінності та сутність, не піддатись спокусі швидких перемог, тимчасових друзів, фальшивого багатства та надмірного споживацтва. 

Де б ти не був пам'ятати, хто ти та звідки походиш. Як важливо у цьому великому та величному світі стати глобальним громадянином, водночас, бути українцем. Світ прийме тебе з радістю, подарує багато вражень, людей та нових барв. І так важливо у цьому розмаїтті можливостей та країн зберегти у собі свою власну основу, свою унікальну суть!

Пам'ятати про власну велику мрію та мету і працювати багато, щоб наблизитись до неї. Не збитись з власного великого шляху. Дисциплінувати себе. Обмежити те, що заважає рухатись до неї. Бути тим Самураєм чи Атлантом, який не здається і щосили штовхає колесо світу вперед.

"І  скаже  світ:  -  Ти  крихта  у  мені.
Ти  світлий  біль  в  тяжкому  урагані.
Твоя  любов  -  на  грані  маячні
і  віра  -  у  наївності  на  грані.

Що  можеш  ти,  розгублене  дитя,
зробити  для  вселюдського  прогресу?
-  Я  можу  тільки  кинути  життя
історії  кривавій  під  колеса.

Хоч  знаю:  все  це  їй  не  первина.
Але  колись  нап'ється  ж  до  переситу!
Захоче  випити  не  крові,  а  вина
за  щастя  людства,  за  здоров'я  всесвіту!"
(Ліна Костенко)

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Erich Fromm has become my teacher and my mentor. I can't stop sharing his ideas among my friends. How come his books & philosophy are not taught in schools and universities?!

I enjoy him being a real global thinker. I enjoy how he puts the Human Being into the center of his studies - a weak, consumptive, afraid to love Human Being longing to get out to a better being. I enjoy him being a Christian yet appreciating and analyzing other religions and putting God into the middle of his philosophies.  I'm amazed how  simply he put all the complex philosophical findings and tough questions - simple, easy, understandable and enjoyable.

Here are some quotes which i particularly love, and have them printed out as my road-maps:


''Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice.''

''Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person; it is an attitude, an ordination of character which determines the relatedness of the person to the whole world as a whole, not toward one object of love.''

''If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to all others, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism.''

''Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.''

''...mature love says: ''I need you, because I love you.''

''In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two.''

(''The Art of Loving'')


Each man is entitled with ''freedom to create and construct, to wonder and to venture. Such freedom requires that the individual be active and responsible, not a slave or a well-fed cog in the machine...'' 

This can be achieved if the man is driven by purpose, not merely by consumption, high purpose in life, by his knowledge that his existence should bring contribution. 

''If I am what I have, and if I lose what I have, who then am I?''

''Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality.''

''Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be. Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before.''

(''The Art of Being'')